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JavaScript Everywhere

by Adam D. Scott

Learn to use JavaScript to build GraphQL APIs

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The Book

JavaScript Everywhere (also known as β€œthe fancy pigeon book” 🐦) by Adam D. Scott covers building real-world applications with technologies such as Node.js, GraphQL, React, React Native, and Electron.

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Topics Covered

Ideal for developers who want to build cross-platform applications and ambitious beginners looking to bootstrap a business. Learn to build full-stack applications with user accounts, using these technologies:

Server πŸ—„οΈ

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Apollo-Server
  • MongoDB

Web πŸ’»

  • React
  • Apollo-Client
  • Styled-Components

Mobile 🀳

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Apollo-Client

Desktop πŸ–₯️

  • Electron
  • Electron-Builder


JavaScript Everywhere is an incredible book that will give you everything you need to build applications with JavaScript on any platform. The title is the truth: JavaScript is everywhere, and this book performs the unique feat of putting everything in context for developers at all levels. Read this book then write code and make technology decisions with confidence.

β€” Eve Porcello, Software Developer and Instructor at Moon Highway

JavaScript Everywhere is the perfect companion for navigating the ever-changing modern JavaScript ecosystem. Adam teaches React, React Native, and GraphQL in a clear, approachable way so you can build robust web, mobile, and desktop applications.

β€” Peggy Rayzis, engineering manager at Apollo GraphQL